Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager can be pre-ordered exclusively in the webshop of (which is a subsidiary of publisher Aldus Boek Compagnie). Aldus Boek Compagnie is run by long-time Doors connaisseur Fred Baggen, from The Netherlands, who wrote The Doors. Een vuistvol stilte in 2018 and Stronger Than Dirt in 2021.

The price of Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager is: 
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Book details

what: road manager Vince Treanor's memoirs of his years with The Doors

title: Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager

photos: black & white

number of pages:  522

language: English

size: 17 × 24 × 4 cm

ISBN: n/a

shipping method: your well-packaged book will be sent via standard air mail

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If you want a nuts and bolts view of life on the road with rock legends,
the good, the bad and the ugly, READ THIS BOOK.

Al O’Meara
(One of the Band Boys for The Doors,
and present backstage in New Orleans)

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Vince Treanors memoir Behind The Doors is a candid and contrary view of
The Doors from the inside. Chronologically structured like an elaborate diary, Vince offers a date-by-date tour schedule filled with his reflections on the internal workings of the group and their management, from late 1967
through til the closing of the Doors in 1972.

Vince challenges the common myths, and sheds unrivalled detail
on Morrisons onstage arrest in New Haven, the consequences of the
three Doors performing without Morrison in Amsterdam, an elaborate
retelling of the Miami incident, the day Paul Rothchild walked out on
The Doors, and Morrisons onstage demise in New Orleans.

If you want to know about the inner workings of The Doors
and their interpersonal relationships from someone who was on stage,
in the studio, in the Office and on the road with The Doors
for five years, look no further. Vince doesn’t hold back.

Travis Williamson, Adelaide, South Australia

Order conveniently in our webshop

Are you interested in purchasing this book? Great! You can order one or more copies in the webshop at the bottom of this page. By ordering the book in the webshop of you agree to the following:
- The financial transaction of your order is done securely via Mollie Payments.
- Payments allowed are Ideal (Europe) and PayPal (international).
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Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager will not be available for purchase through Amazon or international bookstores. Behind The Doors. The Story Of A Legendary Band's Road Manager can only be ordered directly from the publisher, but may be available through some other resellers, to be announced here.

Thank you for your interest!


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Reader's reviews:

Vince Treanor’s book is an eye opening peek behind the curtain of one of the most legendary rock groups in history.  This is the one truly accurate account of life backstage with The Doors. 


Not only was Vince influential in the inner workings of this legendary and controversial rock band, he also gave me my start.  I thank him for writing his memoirs, telling never before heard stories, and including me from time to time. 


Stuart Ross,

former “Band Boy”


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Vincent's emotional connection to music, literature, and art is pretty mysterious but something about the Doors resonated with Vince. His autobiography is for those to whom this era likewise resonates.  His wonderful writing style including the lingo, flowing rhythmic descriptions, sly humor and shrewd impressions of the times and people make this an absolutely historical and entertaining MUST READ! We couldn't put it down!

Fred & Jane W., Newton, MA


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Welcome to the behind-the-scenes world of rock legends The Doors. If your only experience with The Doors
is spinning their albums, t
his book will widen your horizons. Like the lives of other stars, the story of The Doors is a complicated mix of raw talent, egos and conflict.

This book will give an insiders view of what made their success and what ultimately led to their demise. Having played a small part in this 
rock and roll tale , some things remain etched in memory. The raw energy, excitement, and chaos. It is sad that the closing act of The Doors performances happened in a run down former cotton warehouse in the Crescent City with an out of control intoxicated Jim Morrison smashing not only the stage but also The Doors futures.

If you want a nuts and bolts view of life on the road with rock legends, the good, the bad and the ugly, 

Al O’Meara
(One of the Band Boys
for The Doors, and present backstage in New Orleans)

Please note that we are also offering a DISCOUNT PRICE PACKAGE that includes TWO BOOKS:
Vince Treanor – Behind The Doors AND Fred Baggen – Stronger Than Dirt.

Order this discount package at

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See three examples below:

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W E B S H O P    V I N C E  T R E A N O R  -  B E H I N D  T H E  D O O R S


Behind The Doors — Memoirs of The Doors' Road Manager (1967-1972)

In his long-awaited, fascinating “tell-all” memoir, Vince Treanor, former Road Manager of The Doors, opens up – in a mildly and viciously critical tone – about the sometimes harsh reality behind the seemingly glamorous pop star life surrounding America’s most popular and successful rock group The Doors.


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